Take Hands for Orphan and Rare diseases


Mitochondrial energy metabolism and novel targets for metabolic, immunologic and oncologic therapeutics.

THOR therapeutics pipeline is under development with novel monoclonal antibodies that are opening new therapeutic approaches for metabolic complications in cancer patients. Our collaboration with Dr. Ho Min Kim, KAIST, will lead to development in targeting cancer cachexia, whilst the collaboration with Dr. Jin Kuk Kim, KAIST, will provide ground-breaking approaches to target MIF-CD74 interactions.

The internal research program in THOR therapeutics leverages our extensive and successful experience in the discovery of ligands and targets focused on mitochondrial energy metabolism, membrane receptors and immune modulators. In these areas we collaborate with global leaders that help unravel the biological complexity of these exciting new areas.

THOR therapeutics pipeline is under development with novel monoclonal antibodies that are opening new therapeutic approaches for metabolic complications in cancer patients. Our collaboration with Dr. Ho Min Kim, KAIST, will lead to development in targeting cancer cachexia, whilst the collaboration with Dr. Jin Kuk Kim, KAIST, will provide ground-breaking approaches to target MIF-CD74 interactions.
The internal research program in THOR therapeutics leverages our extensive and successful experience in the discovery of ligands and targets focused on mitochondrial energy metabolism, membrane receptors and immune modulators. In these areas we collaborate with global leaders that help unravel the biological complexity of these exciting new areas.


THOR therapeutics has multiple therapies in development for the treatment of orphan and rare diseases. Our pipeline includes monoclonal and bi-specific antibodies and anti-sense oligonucleotides that have enhanced efficacy to correct immunometabolic phenotypes.

Monoclonal antibodies

PIPELINE - Monoclonal antibodies
Product Indication Candidate Optimization PHASE 1 PHASE 2
THOR-211 MoAb anti-RET
THOR-212a MoAb Blocking anti-Target G.
THOR-212b MoAb Stimulating bispecific anti-RET-Target G.

Antisense oligonucleotides

PIPELINE - Antisense oligonucleotides
Product Indication Candidate Optimization PHASE 1 PHASE 2
THOR-213 ASO Inhibiting MIF-CD74.
THOR-221 ASO Inhibiting Target G anti-sense